The Rapha sale is over. No more dreaming about all the Rapha items filling your closet. There are still some items available in the clearance section, but mostly for the extra small or extra large individuals. I did manage to pick up a new Rapha lightweight jersey during the sale, and today I finally broke it in. My first ride in a long while, spurred on by a friend who is joining the Fireflies ride in a couple of weeks time. We did my favorite loop, Nichols Canyon over to Barham, down to Forest Lawn, up the back side of Griffith Park, and back home. It’s a 25 mile loop with 2048 feet of climbing. I love this ride. Two good climbs, plenty of fast descents, and lots of good views. My new jersey is designed for exactly this kind of ride in exactly this kind of climate. It felt perfect. My legs felt pretty good as well. I bet I’d feel even better if I had more Rapha.