The trip across the country has come to an end and now we have an amazing collection of memories that will last a lifetime. The kids gained a much better understanding of the scope and breadth of this country. Strangely, cycling didn’t come up often during the trip, with the exception of visits to a few shops in a few cities. Instead, this was the chance to experience a multitude of new things with my family, and escape the computer, work, and the usual daily routine.
I’ve compiled a short list of trip trivia:
• 8,303 miles driven
• 37 States visited
• 32 fuel fill-ups
• 23 museums or cultural institutions visited
• 4 National Parks visited
• 1 trip interruption due to van breaking down (in Buffalo)
• 33 days away
What an adventure! Thank you to have shared your memories and all your great moments with us, it was like travelling with you all the time. Well done friends!
Happy you’re all well back home and hope to see you soon.
Greetings from Switzerland!
Sybille and Pascal
Welcome home!